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Re: [pyrnet] Separation anxiety in re: neutering

Terry, yes, people are irresponsible, with their dogs, their cats
and themselves. Which is why, almost NO dogs leave Rescue until
they are spayed and neutered. Bo was neutered at 9 1/2 years
because his prostate was 4 times the normal size and this was an
ongoing thing with him. I had Chelsea spayed a year earlier (when
she was 5) because her seasons aggravated his prostate problems.
Bo was not happy about the neutering for a day or 2, but I
honestly think that he's rather be neutered once a year than have
his nails trimmed once a month! Chelsea, before spaying was a
nasty, dominant bitch with the other dogs. Since spaying she is a
heck of a lot more even tempered and no one is afraid of her
anymore. (she was always fine with people, lest you get the wrong
idea) And Chelsea, even though she had a major surgery, seemed to
take it all in stride. Didn't bother her a bit. Bo seems a lot
more comfortable since he was neutered and no more pain from
prostatitis or bladder infections. I've talked to a man or two
that have had bouts with prostate infections, and they have
seriously thought (at the time of the infection) about having
their testes removed as well. It can be that bad. And here, my
poor sweet Bo was in a terrible amount of pain, with raging
infection and he gave us no clue until it was really bad. He is a
MUCH happier dog now and IMO his quality of life is a LOT better.

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!