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Re: [pyrnet] Separation anxiety in re: neutering

I do not remember the other poster making mention of family
history re the breast cancer, just about using it as a
preventative measure. With my family history of breast cancer,
(lost my mother and a Sister to it) I would do the preventative
surgery in a heartbeat if the insurance would pay for it. After
all, testes and breasts are nothing but glands. In the natural
course of things, if dogs were allowed to be dogs, then they
would brred as wolves. They would "pack up" and only the
strongest and the best would breed. Since we, as humans, have
interfered with this process, then we must interfere once again
to stop indiscriminate breeding. You do not have to agree, and I
can see i will not be changing your mind, even with volumes of
scientific research that disproves your opinion, so...  But as to
the reference to dressing dogs up, I do not consider my dogs my
children. They are dogs, who do not necessarily know what is best
for them, so I need to make certain decisions for them on
occasion. Including, when is it the time to euthanize them. Not
easy, by any means, but necessary to avoid undue suffering on
their parts. I sure do wish I had made the decision to neuter Bo
earlier. He would not have suffered nearly as much. I am
eternally grateful to my Vet for suggesting the sonogram as the x
rays showed nothing. What we found was appalling. This could, of
course, all have been avoided with a simple surgery.

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!