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[pyrnet] Re: Newly spayed - and think she is a mother

Farise showed no sign of a false pregnancy before the spay, never has before, and it is not really the time for it yet with only 3 weeks gone since her season. I believe the spay started it,  maybe in combination with the season and the pyometra - her ovaries were not looking well, but she had no other clinical problems than the discharge - a lot of hormon changes in little time. According to my vet. pyometra often occur shortly after a season, so this must be a frequent time to spay bitches.
The cat I mentioned that behaved the same way did not just finish a season and was not spayed because of pyometra, yet she tried to take over a litter of 8 weeks old kittens, that she was not much interested in before the spay. Surely the spay must be responsible for the change.
Farise may be a nanny type dog, that would not surprise me, yet she did not behave that way with the last litter I had.
Farise seems just a little more relaxed today, so I hope soon she will relax enough to accept being away for the puppies, and be more accepting of the other dogs, then she is welcome to spend part of the time with the pupppies.
Barb did your bitch behave the same way with all your later litters - if you had other litters - or was it just this one litter. I don't have many litters but I sure hope Farise is not going to behave this way each time.
Lene Nielsen