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Re: [pyrnet] new behavior-growling at small dog

> I take it that things got pretty lively at your end too, huh?
> Ah the joys of  multi-dog  living!  No wonder my family all think we are
> insane! :-)  When my Mother was visiting, I woke every day saying the
> mantra, " please everyone...don't fight while Grandma is here!"  Cindy
Oh, yes, the joys of the multi-dog syndrome  -- but I'd rather have that
then the "multi-kid syndrome" that my neighbor has <VBG>.  

When my Mother is visiting, I have a similar mantra "please
everyone...don't do something that will make Mum say something that she
wouldn't want Grandma to hear her say".
--- Robyn Allwright
--- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
--- Ziffany Great Pyrenees