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Re: [pyrnet] Pennsylvania dog show on Animal Planet

In a message dated 7/17/01 2:45:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, LESRVG@aol.com

I think I read in the Strang book that this is considered a fault or
detraction. I suppose there is a certain limit to how much curl is
acceptable.  Anyone have some clarification on this?  Also, what is the
reason why a curl would be a fault?  Lastly, why the variation in standards
between the US, Great Britain, and France, etc.?

No, Strang book does not say this.  It was at  one time considered a fault in
some circles to "Not" carry the tail up when moving.  It is a fault to carry
it tightly curled as a Samoyed does.  It should only "make the wheel" and not
be brought down so tightly as in some other breeds.  It should ideally be
carried over the back and not to either side, but this is really getting
picky and to my knowledge not addressed directly in any standard.  The tail
up has a very real use.  When the dogs are taking on predators the dogs can
be more easily identified with the tail up high.  Many confrontations occur
in poor light anyway, so the tail up high helps the Shepherd identity the
dogs in the skirmish.  

RE: different standards

There really is not a "nickel's worth" difference in any of them I am aware.  
They are all based upon the original RACP Standard Written by Monsieur
Senac-Lagrange.  The differences occur in "what the words say," not the words
