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Re: [pyrnet] NC pyrs

Hi John,
There must be several people on this list that are in NC and SC and VA.
Sounds interesting.  Maybe there's already a club and we just don't know
about it yet?  Who is doing pyr rescues in NC?

What's her name?  Where's she from?  Will she be a showdog?  How is
she fitting w/ your family?  Found good reading re: pup stuff at
www.users.fast.net/~janegill/obed.htm and  http://www.pyrbred.org/index.html

It's going to be a steamy drippy day outside...hope it's better
in Charlotte.
Mopping & scrubbing red clay in NC
Barb H & 3 muddy pyrs, Brit, Bear & Rudy

----- Original Message -----
From: John <johnrus@bellsouth.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Pyr Chow

> Barb,
> I see you are in NC. Are you near Charlotte?

> We have a New 4 mo female Pyr.

> I am wanting to start a Carolinas Pyr web page. Do you know of many Pyr's
> the Carolina area?

> Do you think a Carolinas Pyr's club would be worthwhile?

> Thanks,
> John B.