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[pyrnet] I finally am Home!

My Hubby and I just got home last nite from Alburqurque~Hubby and I were at a convention for Pocahontas USA~
We have been trying to get home since last Thursday~
Cancelled flights, or No flights~No way to get in touch with loved ones by telephone(and a familiar voice would have been welcomed)~
The house is OK~I'm setting here with coffee in hand~ my world is "back to normal", as if it will ever be from now on ~I'll pick up my "furbuddies" from the kennel this PM---
I sat and watched the TV when I was  in N.M.~I saw the destruction from the first plane, (when it was thought that the whole thing was an accident)~Then, I saw the 2nd plane ! It then became quite apparent that THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT !
The first thing that I did after that was to walk to the convention center to be with my Hubby~Strange isn't it ? I knew that He was OK, but I needed to see for myself~I needed to be with Him~
I then started to do the "Pam thing"~(this is the way that I've always been)~I walked around on the convention floor and started hugging all of my girlfriends ~~very quiet, very sedate, just holding on to the many wives that have Sons and Daughters in the military---2 days later, I completly "broke down"~I never re-act at the time that something happens, always later, and always something very un-expected will trigger my hysterics~~
My Mother always told me " get mad"~ "you can do anything if you're mad enough"~
I assume that the message here was also  that the "down time" would give me time to think, instead of  the immediate re-action to "strike back"without a plan~
I'm particularly concerned about the innocent people of other faiths and the discrimation that is being shown to them~I have some good friends of differant faiths~most of them are US citizens~most of them are as horrified as all the rest of us~today , I read of the shootings,the fires, the vandalism of the stores that they own~I read of a busload of Moslem children on their way to pray~~ the bus was "stoned" by passerby people~Children !! haven't we been shown how hate will destroy? Think before you re-act~
But, I have to say, (in the words of one of the people that was interviewed on TV)~~~
I am Pissed  !!!
Pam Croy