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Re: [pyrnet] Jeckle and Hyde

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barb Bowes" <bamb@monmouth.com>

Sariena's dog had a brain tumor. That was why he was so
unpredictable. Make sure you get a pup from a responsible
breeder. One who health checks his/her breeding stock, one who
knows their bloodline and the temperament produced. Paying a bit
more for a well bred dog is well worth it in the long run.>>

I totally agree with Barb here, but be aware that bad things can happen to
good dogs and to good breeders.  I very much doubt that the brain tumor in
Sariena's dog was the "fault" of the breeder. There are only a few rare
types of cancer in which a genetic connection has been proved.  Probably
there are more out there but it is not as simple as A creates B.  I bred one
dog who was put down for a brain tumor at 18 mos.  He had been a superb
young LGD who suddenly in the course of one week killed two sheep.  The
rancher liked him so much that he then adopted his full younger brother.  No
other dog in this line has ever had a brain tumor.

I guess that I am trying to say that simply picking a good breeder is not
some sort of built in guarantee that nothing will ever be wrong with your
dog.  That it will *never* have any genetic problem.  Every breeder who does
it long enough will produce dogs with genetic problems.  What matters at
that point is what the breeder chooses to do about it.

Taking your time and a lot of care in chosing a breeder is still your best
chance of a healthy, stable dog.  And if something goes wrong you will have
somebody in your corner who cares about you and about your dog.
