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[pyrnet] Fw: RESCUE: Mid Michigan - Help find Apollo, Lost Sr, Blind Great Pyr

JethrosPlace@aol.com writes: If you can help with this search,
please correspond with

        Marcie <dogsownme@aol.com>

We are going to do a land search for Apollo (the Great Pyrenees)
on Saturday
and Sunday, so we desperately need people to help.  Please pass
this on to
anybody who is a dog lover and could possibly help us find him,
at this point
either dead or alive, so that we can get him back home, or at
least know what
happened to him.

Sherri will let me know where the best places are to look, and I
will inform
everyone tomorrow where and when.  It looks like Standish and
Morrice are
both places that need to be checked.  It sounds like there is a
chance that
the dog spotted in Standish was not him, but one never knows.  He
is 10 years
old, mostly blind and deaf, and needs us to find him.
