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[pyrnet] Rescuing a kitty

Ya'll let me know if I am crossing a line here...I'd like to know if there's anyone able to help "drive a train" from Ashby, Minn. to help me rescue a kitty.  She's a four year old, silver Maine Coone. 
I have someone in Minn. about 50 south of Ashby that would drive up to get her and drive maybe a couple of hours south.  Then I have my sister in St. Louis that can drive a few hours north to meet someone to get the kitty and then keep her overnight.  I can drive the 13 hours from my house to my sisters to get it from her.
Anyone available?  When?  I don't how to plan a route until I find out where everyone is.  If you are interested you can email me direct at kaiser4@gulftel.com and we'll get together and see when I can get her.
Thanks in advance and sorry if I've crossed a line.  Just let me know.
Mommy to two two-legged, Britni and Jordan
and two four-legged, Bear and Sugar Bear
and two male Beta fish
and hopefully a beautiful new kitty named Minnie