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Re: [pyrnet] Tea's Casey and arthritis


We went to the vets the other day for blood tests (heartworm and lymes) and the Lyme shot...I have to wait for everyone to leave -- when I walk in (they know I am coming I call first) I am greeted by the new receptionist "You're the Lady with the three BIG DOGS"  The whole waiting room turns and stares -- 11 people -- German Shepards, cats, little ratty dogs, and a bird -- all eyes on the "BIG DOG Lady".   "You will have to stay outside with them she screeches...."  I look at her as though she is too dumb to have crawled out from under that rock without help.  The vet tech comes running from the back..."It's okay" he smiles "Dave asks if you can wait about 10 minutes"  "Sure I reply", this is the guy who helps me lift them on the table. He grins and turns to the audience -- "we need both rooms for her dogs" he laughs -- the heads turn again to stare... Out I slink muttering imprecations and vowing to poison Dave's hamburg the next time he comes to dinner.  (I am sure his wife will split the insurance with me).  Now everyone who comes out has to come see the BIG DOGS -- There they are snoring away... Casey belly up in the sun in the back of the SAAB, Zack stretch in the middle and Maude with her nose out the window trying to figure out where she is by the smell of the place.  The other patients were not impressed.  The guy with the little ratty dog carefully put his 'precious' in his snotty BMW and waltzes over ..."Sniff they don't look vicious to me" he sniffs again.. Just then Zack decides to stand up...LOL he back pedaled to his car.  I smiled evilly  "All he wants is a cookie". I say "he really is a sweetie aren't you Zacky"  Zack Stretches and leans toward the open window to get his nose scratched.  So Mr. Ratty Dog starts edging closer... closer ..Then the horse shine groomer comes breezing up smiles at the crew.. Says they are so sweet can I give them a cookie -- at which of course they all become slobbering idiots drooling down my window and I never got a chance to scare Mr. Ratty dog snotty BMW. 

 Then it was my turn to bring the guys in.

Maude weighs 104 and is in love with the vet tech --(she is my pyr/golden cross) he says he is partial to blondes.

Casey weighs 114 and Dave says diet time...she heard this sat back up on the table and gave my face the paw --- brand new glasses went flying and I am sporting a beautiful shiner.  Told Dave never to use the D word around her again.  Vet Tech help me get her down as my dear vet was definitely ROFL (Hissing out between his garfs that she really did take after me --Size and disposition)...hmmm definitely rat poison for his hamburg .

Zacky tips the scales at 115.6 but Karen before you and Melanie have a heart attack you can feel his ribs with out pushing and he really looks slender .. not skinny but slim.  He runs all the time in the pen and loves his walks -- wish they did me as much good as the do him.  Sigh

Anyway I will hear if Any of them have lymes shortly and they all go back in 3 weeks for round 2 of the lyme shot. I will switch Casey to the other Glucosimine at once.  Thanks for the heads up -- Dave said glucosimine and I just assumed the Chondrotine.  Right now she does not seem to be in a lot of pain, just rather stiff and a little slow to move in the morning.  By afternoon she is taking them all down if they get in her way. 

Are there any other symptons to watch for... we live in tick country and deer ticks as well as brown dog ticks are plentiful. 

Thanks Tea



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