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[pyrnet] Re: Stockguard: Aggression Q. and thank you

For those of you who took the time to think before you imediatly start 
berating me for asking a question thank you , you people on most of these 
list have to keep in mind  and im talking about the dog list and the goat 
list, that not everyone on these list are as knowlageable about something as 
yall are we lack the years and the experiance, but that is not to say we are 
stupid, or cruel or dont love our animals or are any different than you are, 
all that means is we are now where you were some yrs ago. you should all keep 
in mind that when a newbe come to yall for help you should try to make them 
more knowledgeable and most of the time you can get your point across with 
out being so hateful about it.  ie: Rescue has your name and will be watching.
thats just plain mean and serves no purpose! Watching for what exactly, 
EVERYTHING at my house is very well taken care of. Do you understand what I 
mean? We come to yall, about dog or goats or whatever because we do care and 
do want to learn for the mistakes that some of you have already made but 
think of the people that had they been me and got back some of the anwsers i 
got back yesterday they would have just logged off never to be heard from 
again and what have you accomplished then? Nothing.         Thanks Again      