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Re: [pyrnet] Please help

I am in no way 'speaking for Mitzi', but I have belonged on this list a while now and am almost certain that her comments were not meant to be 'defensive" to YOU in particular, it's just that there ARE people out there that don't give a damn and WILL just dump their animal 'anywhere'. It is so sad , your situation. I don't envy you your decision....and you have done the RIGHT thing coming here. Pyrs are 'big' and a lot of people who don't do their research give em up because they didn't realise HOW big they got.(or furry or drooly, or any other trait that doesn't fit into their lifestyle.)  I guess people just see Mitzi's 'entourage' and figure, 'oh there's so many...maybe she can take just one more'! (she has just the most amazing family of furbabies!) I am looking for another pyr. If for an instant I thought my Maddie would accept her I would take her today.....but she just doesn't get along with another girl :(
Again, you HAVE done the RIGHT thing coming here...if no one here can help , then it's not for a lack of trying...but I am sure something will work out. Thank-you for doing all you are for your baby (s) it is so hard ,and having been an army brat myself....
I understand....especially just when you think you've planted some roots......
don't worry, there was ( I am sure) , no one here to judge you.
Michele Donald
Calgary , Alberta
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Please help

I literally *never* get calls from people looking for a Pyr. I get calls constantly from people who want me to TAKE their Pyr though.
Mitzi Potter   
Guthrie  OK

Oh thats strange.... Thats sad people arent calling looking for Pyrs. Maybe they are reading the paper.... No Offense, but why are you so defensive? I am simply looking for some help in placing my Pyr. I thought maybe a Pyr group could help me. I could do what many people do and just take her to the Humane Society. I have worried myself over this. I called some people who suggested I just put her to sleep. I will drive her if I have to ANYWHERE. Please all I need is some help not, your judgement, or negative opinions.