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[pyrnet] Chat: A Christmas Story for Dog Lovers

A Christmas Story for Dog Lovers 

Long ago in the deepest of winters all of the animals on Earth were 
abuzz with the news. 

"HE IS BORN! HE IS BORN!" cried the snowy owl. 

"Come one and all, rejoice!" roared the mighty lion. "Bring gifts to 
the new King!" 

The forest grew bright with the din of excitement. Every creature 
was running towards the star. The noise was so loud and joyful that
it traveled distant lands. In a quiet glen, under a bramble bush, a 
small lonely dog raised his head from his slumber and heard the
sounds from afar. 

He raised his little head and wondered. Slowly he raised his tired 
body and sniffed the air. He knew something was amiss - but he knew 
not what.  A voice ever so sweet was singing in the distance, this he 
could hear. The words were not at all clear, but the sound was of 
waterfalls, and misty mornings and everything dear... Eagerly he 
followed the sound and soon saw a star. 

It shone so brightly his little eyes watered. What was this shiny 
thing that happily glowed? What could be happening that would bring 
about such a lovely sight? 

His little legs beat the path for many days. He became tired and 
hungry but still he walked on. He had to follow the sound of that 
voice. The voice that reminded him of warmer and kinder times. He had 
to follow the light of the star. The star told him of happy things to 
come. At last he came into a clearing and his eyes beheld a
mystifying sight. Animals were everywhere, and each had a precious 
gift. Some brought shiny berries from the forest, some brought 
beautiful leaves, and some brought twigs from the rarest of trees and 
even some brought the most precious wildflowers of the fields. 
They were laying these gifts at the entrance of a stable. Above the 
stable the light of the star twinkled more brightly than before. 

He turned to the deer and asked: "What is all this? Where have I 

"You have come to see the new King. He is Born. Where are your gifts 
for the child?" asked the deer reproachfully. 

"I have no gifts. I didn't know..." said the lonely little dog with 
his head hung low. 

The deer sneered and snubbed and quickly walked away as he tossed 
his head indignantly. The little dog's body trembled all over, his 
little tail flew between his little legs, and his little head hung 
lower than ever.

He was ashamed. 

And yet...he still wanted to get a little peek at the New King. 
Quietly, ever so carefully, he crept over to the stable. He was so 
small he could easily hide under the other animals. Ever so sleekly
he crept up to the manger and peeked inside. 

"WHO ARE YOU!" boomed the voice of the Lion. "WHY DO YOU DARE NOT 
BRING GIFTS FOR THE NEW KING?" and the little dog cowered, much 
humbled. He laid his little head at the foot of the manger and hid
his eyes. He was ready to be killed by the Lion, and yet he spoke
ever so quietly, ever so meekly, ever so bravely: "I have no gifts, I 
have no berries, or twigs, or bright flowers of the field...all I
have is my life and I will gladly give that, for I have shamed all my
brethren tonight." 

He waited - with his eyes closed, thinking that if he did die 
tonight, at least he would die beneath the cradle of his King. That's 
when a warm and gentle hand was upon him. He did not dare to open his 
eyes, until he heard a woman's voice speak: "Do not fear little one. 
You are safe here. This bramble in your fur speaks of the gift you 
have brought to him."  The lonely little dog opened his eyes and 
looked up at the woman. 

"But I have no gift to offer, save for myself, and that is very 
little..."he shyly protested. 

The woman smiled and scratched his ears. "Little dog, you traveled 
far to see the King. That is gift enough when it comes from your 
heart. What gift is more precious than one given in innocence and 
humility? No little one, you are welcome here." As she spoke she 
raised the little dog up. 

"Behold, your King, the Son of Man. You shall serve him well." And 
the baby smiled. So it came to pass and dog was lonely no more. 

And dog has served man ever since, loyal to a fault, and humble he 
remains. A gift from God to us, for who, but dog will travel miles 
without explanation? Who, but dog will cower from you even if he is 
not wrong? Who, but dog will take a scolding even when he is not to 
blame? Who, but dog is content to die at our feet if he so must? 

Let us care for it well. 

Author unknown