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Re: [pyrnet] Problems with my dog

    My 7.5 yr-old female Pyr, Belle, is terribly afraid of thunderstorms or any loud noises also. She used to freak out trying to get away if she was near a car when it was started. Luckily for us, she mostly just likes to find a safe, very enclosed place to hide in. This is usually her dog house, between our bed and the wall, down in the dark cellar, or with her nose jammed under the toilet. Have you thought about introducing Juma to a crate? Crates feel very much like dens and can give dogs a sense of security. Also, when you are not home (or even when you are), try playing music or talk radio. I almost always leave something playing for my animals to break up the silence or noises of the day.
    Sometimes when I let Belle out even on a clear afternoon, she takes one look out the back door and bolts back into the house. I am convinced she is better than any barometer you can buy. Several hours later, or sometimes a day, there will be a storm. There has been some talk (I think it was on this list) about dogs with dirty ears or ear infections being more sensitive to noises. I believe this because Belle does not seem as jumpy and agitated after I clean her chronically gooky ears. Also, as a last resort you could ask your vet about sedatives to help Juma calm down, or you could check out this web page: http://www.petessences.com/. This company sells natural flower essences that many people swear by for helping anxiety among many other issues. Good luck and keep us updated on how she does!

Emily Martorano
Belle and Zuni (Great Pyrs)
Basil (Standard Poodle Puppy)
Denver, CO