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Re: [pyrnet] medication

On 16 Sep 2003 at 9:50, Bob Vehring wrote:

> Has anyone heard of or use the new injectable medication for
> arthritis?  Apparently it is used about once a month.

I have my Mishka on Adequan which is an injectable Glucosamine. 
The preferred dosage is a load dose of one injection a week for 4 
weeks, then maintenance of one injection per month.  Mishka will 
be 11 next month and has severe arthritis of the spine.  She was on 
oral glucosamine for years, until it would no longer control her 
discomfort.  She gets good pain relief with Adequan.  Here my cost 
is about $160/year.  The vet provides the vial of Adequan and 
syringes and I give the injections. There are few side effects with 
this drug; but as with any medication, I recommend researching and 
discussing with your vet.


Taos, New Mexico