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Re: [pyrnet] HEALTH: long-term use of Deramaxx and Australian drugs

On 18 Aug 2004 at 12:11, Shirley McGreal wrote:

> However, I am concerned about potential long-term side effects and
> wonder if any list members have had any dog(s) on long-term deramaxx
> therapy. Is there any kind of testing that should be done while Ivy's
> on this medication, and how often should it be done? 

Shirley, the best thing to do is go on-line and read the fine print on 
the drug.  I also have a senior girl, my Mishka will be 12 in October.  
Mishka also suffers from severe arthritis of her spine and I have 
started her on Metacam, a relatively new NSAID on the market.  I 
had a complete blood panel run on Mishka before starting the drug 
and plan on running a check again after she has been on this new 
therapy for two months. A liver panel should certainly be run if not 
an entire chem panel.  I would be most concerned with liver and 
kidney function. Metacam is manufactured by Boehringer 
Ingelheim and like Deramaxx is expensive, but not outrageous.  
Metacam is in liquid form and dose is by weight.  I have decreased 
the dose a bit and still getting good results.  Looks like costs will be 
about $70 every 5-6 weeks. I too would be interested in sources to 
obtain veterinary drugs at reasonable prices. Because of the rescue 
I do, my vet discounts,  with the discount, the US 0n-line prices are 
just a few dollars cheaper than what I pay at my vet clinic. Also 
Metacam is not carried by many of the on-line sites, I assume 
because it is relatively new.

As a side note, Mishka has been on Glucosamine for years and 
about 3 years ago I started her on Adequan injections which gave 
her good pain relief until this year.  Now it is time for stronger stuff 
and at her age she deserves all the comfort I can provide.

Taos, New Mexico