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Re: [pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20041019

On 20 Oct 2004 at 5:01, jane@canissapiens.com wrote:

> His owner has taken him for blood work twice and
> they don't find anything. 


If the owner has had a recent "complete work-up" done on the dog and 
all is normal???? This may be stress colitis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 
or even a reaction to medication the dog is on.  Talk with the owner and 
get the history of how long this has been going on.  Has there been any 
change in routine during the times the dog has bloody stool? Or a major 
change in lifestyle for the Pyr and owner? You state you started walking 
the dog this past summer. Did the dog have a previous walker?  Some 
Pyrs are very sensitive creatures and do react to any change.  One of 
mine would get bloody stool after going to the vet.  She loved the vet 
and the attention, but it stressed her. I used to work at a boarding 
kennel and many of the dogs would have small amounts of blood in the 
stool while being boarded due to the stress. First and foremost, any 
physical condition needs to be ruled out.  Then if certain all is normal, 
possibly a series of probiotics would help or the owner can consult with 
the vet regarding a change in diet???  But again I stress that a complete 
work-up needs to be done by a vet, if this has not been done.

Taos, New Mexico