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Re: [pyrnet] Pano

>>And Joe, are there any scientific studies out there 
that Albon helps Pano? I guess not or the use of it for Pano would not be 
"off label". So therefore  the evidence that it helps Pano is merely 
anecdotal. Perhaps we should not then discount anecdotal evidence?>>

I carefully made that point in my posts, so I claim nothing more.  I do just offer my experience with a fairly large number of cases that go over many years.  People will have to judge if my opinion is worthy of their consideration and I offered my experience to give information on what I based my opinions on.  It is fair for one to claim that a drug is "nasty" when they have had "direct" experience with it.  When someone has had much different experience and has carefully researched it, that is fair as well.  People then have differing viewpoints and no need to get in a tither over either point of view.  
