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[pyrnet] Gated Communities

Just thought it was interesting.  We have a gated community here.....Crystal Lake.  Don't have to be too "rich" to live there, I actually have a few relatives there so we go now and then to fish/swim.

Well last summer, Billy, my cousin Dusty and I were there fishing when across the lake I heard a big bark and saw a big white dog.  Couldn't quite tell if it was a Pyr but Dust said he'd seen it up close and said it was.

Have no clue where it's from but it looked beautiful, well cared for and happy as far as I could tell.  Would love to find out where it came from though.  I find that when people in this area see our dogs, they don't know what they are but people in the area don't like our prices apparently.....which is one reason why we did lower them.....people here just don't see the reason to pay $1,000.00 + here for a dog or to wait 'til we have something available.....until they call us months later with a problem they have with the dog they did get.  Anyway, even though no one seems to know what Pyrs are.....I find more people have them here than you would think.
