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Re: [pyrnet] Any Experience with Greyhounds and Pyrs?

Hi Jo,
Yes, I am close enough to Connecticut to consider fostering (which would probably turn into adopting) one (or more) of these dogs but this is not great timing for me so seeing Barb's email correcting the information I received this morning is a great relief.   I just brought a second Pyr into the family and she is wonderful and Charlie is delighted with having a buddy but another change may not be in their best interest.  I was willing to risk it to save a life but it turns out that it is not necessary.   A little later perhaps....  we'll see.   Thanks for your email!    
Amy, Charlie and Sweet Madeleine
----- Original Message -----
From: Ray & Jo
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Any Experience with Greyhounds and Pyrs?

Hi. Amy. I have always been led to believe that Greyhounds can and do make lovely pets, generally I think that most have the typical laid back temperament and can become wonderful members of most families, whether there are already dogs on not. I have a friend that went to visit with an adoption coordinator in her area, her initial thought was to adopt two, she ended up taking four... 2 boys and 2 girls...In retrospect I think she should have stuck to her original plan and then maybe down the road look to adopting two more. It is my understanding that they were fine for a while but then they started to posture for dominance, I feel that it was a bit much to expect these guys to all get along from word go..anyway I haven't heard from her for a while but I am sure that she would be more than willing to tell you of her experiences. She has had Wolfhounds, Danes, Basset Hounds, a previous greyhound and a large mixed breed dog. As far as getting along with Pyrs, why not? It depends so much on each of the temperament and personalities as to whether they would be happy together..as you say they aren't familiar with any other breeds, so the introduction would have to be as gentle as possible. Are you near Connecticut, would you be able to foster or adopt one of these unfortunate dogs? I also saw this email and wondered if they were able to cope with re-homing so many dogs. I live in SW Nova Scotia and there are quite a few greyhounds in this area, I am sure that they came from that neck of the woods. If you would like to know my friends email address please let me know.
Jo, Toby and Hannah(Golden)
-------Original Message-------
Date: 05/04/05 15:35:38
Subject: [pyrnet] Any Experience with Greyhounds and Pyrs?
Good Afternoon !
Does anyone have any experience with Greyhounds living with Pyrs?  I received an emai this morning about a Greyhound track in Connecticut that is closing down and the Greyhound Rescue people in Massachusetts must try to place nearly 500 dogs in foster care by May 14.  Before I get too deep into creating a problem for myself and my two Pyrs, I wondered if the two radically different dog types would get along even to foster.  The Greyhounds will be very shy and confused since they have only lived at the track and never in a house and may not have ever seen a dog who was not a Greyhound but I understand they make wonderful pets because they are really very quiet couch potatoes off the track.
if anyone is interested in the Greyhound information, I can send it privately.
Thanks,  Amy


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