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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20060701

I have purchased one of Cesar Milan's DVDs and attended one of his seminars. I never heard or saw anything that suggested his treatment towards animals was in anyway abusive. Also whether or not someone follows directions often determines their success or failure in training. Just because someone ended up with behaviors that are worst does not mean the methods were not appropriate. Perhaps the individuals did not adhere to the training program. We should be careful and not jump to conclusions based upon some article. I don't believe everything I read in the newspaper. And who knows the critics may not like his success. I recall when Dr Phil first appeared on TV. The critics didn't like him as he seemed to suggest that solutions should not take 30 years to apply. I guess it depends on how you see the world. I do know a person who has been in therapy for over 35 years. The therapist has gotten a lot richer but the patient is still with the same problem. Go figure. Anyway what makes Cesar an easy target is that he is an uneducated success. While I have numerous degrees, I know that it is not the only ticket to success. For those of you who are curious you should check out his web page and see what you think. Don't get your information second hand.


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:20:44 -0500 From: Bethany.Viney@tdstelecom.com Subject: RE: [pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20060701

Just for what it's worth in regard to The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Milan.  I
have no opinion one way or another, but since his name came up, I
thought I would relay this.

In last weeks edition of The Wisconsin State Journal, published in
Madison, WI, there was a very large article about Cesar Milan, his Dog
Psychology Center, and his popular National Geographic show.  While the
article mainly portrayed his success in a positive light, it also
mentioned how critics indicate some of his training methods borders on
abuse, and in some cases is blatant.  I have personally never seen his
show, but what followed up yesterday, was even more interesting.

Dr. Patricia McConnell,PH.D(certified animal behaviorist) who is world
renown for her dog training, and actually resides not far from where I
live, responded with a letter to the yesterday's (Sunday's) edition of
Wisconsin State Journal in regard to Cesar Milan's training.  She
indicated she has had (2) clients come to her after they had taken the
Cesar Milan course, and their dogs were biting worse and showing
increased aggression than before they had started his training. She
expressed concern over the article on Cesar and his approach.

As another note and how it relates to this group, is that Dr. McConnell
also has Great Pyrenees. (her name is Tulip and is a beautiful girl)
This is why I chose her Dogs Best Friend Training classes to train my
Pyr, Czar, as I will not train my dogs with anything but positive
reinforcement training.  I absolutely loved the classes, and so did
Czar, and is all based on positive reinforcement training. We have even
completed our Canine Good Citizen class through her group, and I
couldn't think of any other way to put a Pyr through training, given the
sensitive nature of their disposition, temperament, and metabolism.  I
am attaching a link to her web site in case anyone is interested.  She
has a syndicated radio show, and has published many books, one of which
is titled "How to be the Leader of the Pack".  I am attaching her link
in case anyone is interested in reading about Dr. McConnell, her
training methods, or her publications.

Just thought I would share the info, in case any one is interested.

Beth and Czar (Pyr) and Raisa (Malamute) in Rural Wisconsin