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[pyrnet] When Pyrs Shed

We live in Orange County, CA and it gets somewhat warm during the summer. Our female Athena seems to shed near the end of summer, like now rather than before summer. She is pretty much an indoor dog and really doesn't spend much time outside. So perhaps that is why she sheds now. Question: When she sheds it comes out in large amounts, and her remaining fur on the sides is minimal. The skin is pink in color. Is this due to her shedding? The hair that does come out is like down. I understand that this is what is blown. But we were just concerned. I posted a question similar to this on one of those pet answer web sites. The response we got was to check her thyroid as it might be off. We recently took her to the Vet for a Wellness health check up and she came out without problems. Just wondering what you folks experience when they blow their coats.
