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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20100208

Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 18:06:24 -0800 From: linda.nightsky@gmail.com Subject: [pyrnet] CHAT; BEHAVIOR: Molly visits the old folks home
Aw, that was such a sweet story. I always thought Newman would be a terrific therapy dog, too, but he can't even pass his CGC because his "recall" command is so unreliable. He pretty much comes when he feels like it. Otherwise, he's pyrfect.

Like you, I do on occasion, take him over to a nearby assisted living facility to visit. I've groomed a few dogs over there, so they know him. It's always heartwarming to see him interact with all the people, and he always seems to give more attention to the ones who are "more needy".

Rhonda and Newman.