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Re: [pyrnet] Opinion and Advice about Dog Day care for vacation


We took Kezia to Camp Bow-Wow last summer for a weekend and she did great and absolutely loved it there.  We took her for one day about a week before to see how she (and we) liked it before we left her overnight.  We had never left any of our animals with anyone but family before, but my whole family went away for the weekend together so we all had to make other arrangements.

Christine and Kezia

On 6/23/2010 3:31 PM, Christine wrote:

Has anyone taken a dog to Camp Bow-Wow or a place like that?

Our neighbour took their Dane and there she is barred because she nipped another dog

Kodiak doesn't bite or growl but he does like to play - he does not know he is as large as he actually is.


We have always had two dogs to keep each other company and a neighbor or family member to watch our dogs when we travel.

We have not traveled since we go Kodiak and now we need to.

I can't get out of it otherwise I would and Kodiak will not do very well being left alone


Please let me know. I have never had to take one of my dogs to a place like that and I don't know where to begin or what to look for

Any insight or would help a lot even if it is anecdotal


