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RE: [WW] Hi all!

--- Jimmy Craig <jimmythebarrel@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > Is rank tied to level?
> >
> >First off, let me say that all this information I
> am about to divulge can 
> >be
> >changed at a moments notice. That being said the
> current answer is no. 
> >Every
> >time that you level up though there is a chance to
> be promoted. You roll a
> >die (d20 of course:P), add certain modifiers and
> have to beat a TN for the
> >next rank. Some of the modifiers currently being
> used is adding your level
> >to the roll, if you have a medal, depending on the
> type of medal, you add
> >some number to the roll, and of course, your GM
> could help you out based on
> >your character's actions.

Hmmm, if you were going to have rank independent of
level, it would be a good idea to make it completely
independant.  At present it appears that any time
someone goes up in level they MAY go up in rank. 
Instead what about having some form of 'promotion
countering system' in which at the end of each
adventure the GM gives the player some promotion
points and the player rolls the TN adding these
points.  If he succeeds he goes up a rank and loses
all current points, plus the TN for the next rank

Flip side, if rank was going to be tied to level by
having every level you roll for a promotion, you could
also impliment a system where level is tied to rank. 
Hang on a sec .. sort of like Prestige Classes, but
they can only achieve a specific level in a certain
class if they are at a certain rank.  Otherwise when
they go up in level they would have to increase in a
different class.

-Munch Wolf

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