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RE: [WW] Hi all!

> > Is rank tied to level?
>First off, let me say that all this information I am about to divulge can 
>changed at a moments notice. That being said the current answer is no. 
>time that you level up though there is a chance to be promoted. You roll a
>die (d20 of course:P), add certain modifiers and have to beat a TN for the
>next rank. Some of the modifiers currently being used is adding your level
>to the roll, if you have a medal, depending on the type of medal, you add
>some number to the roll, and of course, your GM could help you out based on
>your character's actions.

Understood. And I think that is s very cool system.
I would not like it if you got rank JUST because you went up a level.
Just because you deserve a promotion does not mean that they(the upper 
ranks) will notice that you deserve it.

I like the modifier part too. If you screw up big time, there should be a 
penalty to getting more rank. And if you do some great action then it should 

For example, if you were to assault an officer, not only would you be in 
trouble from a military justice standpoint, it would also subtract a number 
from your rank roll for level advancment. You could even have them roll over 
a few levels. So if you REALLY screw up, your chances for level advancement 
are smaller unless you bust your hump redeming yourself.

On the other hand, if you save the life of an officer in combat (or any 
other situation) it should add to that roll to show that they are backing 
you for advancment.

> > Is rank a purchased stat/skill/advantage?
>Once again, this can all change in a heartbeat. Your rank is dependent on
>your character class. Also, you can get the feat, Rank when you first 
>your character to get an accelerated rank. So if you make a Grunt (NCO) and
>take the Rank feat, you start as a Sargeant. Otherwise your Grunt would
>start out as a Buck Private. If you want to be an Officer, then you get the
>Rank feat for free and start out as a 2nd Lieutenant.

Works for me. Thats about what I thought it would be like.

> > If no, if it becomes a problem, promote someone or demote someone.
> > If you continually lead your squad into death traps, you should
> > not be the
> > ranking member.
>That is when your GM should step in.


Again, just my thoughts on it.

Jimmy the Barrel
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