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Re: [WW] An PBEM Uebergame?

Personally, I was thinking of sometime son maybe opening a PBEM for my 
local gaming group to do during the week, but I could probably do a 
more open one.  I have to wait for Weird Wars though, and it may be a 
few weeks before mine gets here.

> Dear List!
> Recently we have started an PBEM playing twice weekly (Mon,Fri) Matt
> Forbecks Brave New World.
> Before, I never imagined that this might work. So far it does. I
> wonder, whether somebody (or even a staff of GMs) would like to start
> a game of Weird Wars online.
> Of course everybody would have to own the rules book, but this could
> be great fun (even have a german group go head to head with an allied
> group at some time).
> Any volunteers?
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
> Arne Reuter
> ps: I would like to play, rather than GM. I do that most of the time
> anyway and am on a budget - timewise.
> --
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Ogy Joe

"How can you expect to succeed if you don't risk failure?"