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Re: [WW] Australian Units

>Other than the Pacific Theatre, were there Australian
>units in combat around the globe?
>Specifically, I'm looking for any Aussies involved in
>the Normandy landings (ground troops, naval, support
>or air units).
>I have a few players who are looking at creating
>Australian soldiers for our upcoming Normandy
>The Rev

There were none at Normandy. Other than the Pacific the only theater 
of operations the Aussies appeared in was North Africa. Specifically, 
the 7th and 9th infantry. Once the Japanese entered the war, all 
Australian troops were withdrawn to defend Australia, and later 
served in the Dutch East Indies theater.

So it's American, British, Canadian, Polish, or French I'm afraid, if 
you set it in Normandy.

Or, you could do an Indonesian campaign.


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