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Re: [WW] Chaplains

Generally chaplains are ordained ministers/priests/rabbis/etc. who join the military after their ordination.  My father was a chaplain's assistant in the Army, which was a voluntary post and did not require ordination.
I also knew the USAF's only recognised ordained Wiccan priestess.  She was not considered a chaplain, but was entitled to hold services on base for interested parties.
----- Original Message -----
From: nvdoyle
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: [WW] Chaplains

What were the requirements (Real World) for becoming a chaplain in the armed forces, of any nation? I would -guess- that they'd have to be ordained in some fashion, but I don't know. And what about the German chaplains? That would be an interesting NPC to base a German campaign around, the mentor for the low-level PCs who directs them against supernatural threats...