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Re: [WW] A deeper understand of me

I'm sending this via private e-mail, since it's obviously off-topic for the

>You see I'm Twenty Six years old and have Aspbergers, No I will not explain
>it to ya if you want info do a Net search on the subject. I've foolish
>thought that the net would be better then the outside World, How wrong I was
>over the years that I've have surfed the Net. I've discovered that online
>people are just the same as they are in the real World,

That isn't necessarily the case. In some forums, yes, but there are net places
that are more accepting. Have you tried looking at online support groups for
Asperger's? I punched "asperger" into Yahoo Search and got a bunch of links,
some of which look promising. There are also more generalized net forums I've
found that are very accepting of difference; I can round up some of them for you
if you like.

>Some of you have
>pointed out that my Spelling and Writing are suitable for surfing the Net.

Those people are asses. There's a difference between spelling poorly on purpose
to try to be "cool" (leetspeak, etc.) and spelling poorly because you weren't
taught better. You can't help that. Actually, your spelling and grammar aren't
as bad as some I've seen. Most of the problem is that you capitalize stuff too
much. (For example, in the above sentence, Spelling, Writing and Net should be
lowercase.) Your point still comes across clearly, which is really the important

>On the subject of Mind Doctors and seeking there help, I have One answer No.
>I'm sorry but those couch coaches are nothing but trouble, It's there job to
>make you into a proper shaped peg so to speak. They are the most closed
>minded people around. There job is to inforce reality on ya there version of
>it, The reason I have such hatred of them is the fact it was they who had me
>medicated for Three Years of my Teens. I was so high you could tie a string
>to me and sail me as a Kite, And to this day I've have a hard time trusting
>Doctors or Pills.

I've heard similar complaints from a lot of people. There do seem to be a lot of
incompetent and irresponsible psychiatrists and psychologists out there. You
should know, though, that competent and caring ones do exist. I spent many years
of my childhood seeing psychologists, and I believe that it helped me. Remember
also that as a patient, you always have the right to ask for a different doctor.
I've had a couple of really bad psychologists, and I've never hesitated to tell
them I wanted to see someone else. Every office will usually have at least one
good doctor on staff.

>Religion: I've never bin on good relationship with God, I've get violently
>ill evertime I enter a Church. I feel that Bible Thumpers are just as bad as
>Mind Doctors, One forces Reality down One's mouth the other forces Religion.
>Nether One I like the taste of.

Again, this is true a disturbingly large amount of the time, but it's not always
the case. Also, remember that the religious assholes are the most vocal, which
makes them seem more common than they really are. For every bigot or screaming
street preacher you see, there's a hundred people who go quietly to church and
don't try to force their point of view on anyone.

Hope this helps. Feel free to write back if you wish.

--Robert Holland

"The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig
trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars." 
--Isaiah 9:10