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[WW] Re: New Books

There is a lot of interesting news there. Take any war
you care to mention and add (a little more) weirdness.
The ACW (War of Northern Aggression or whatever you
want to call it) seems particularly appropriate though
I was surprised you are going to do it as it seems to
overlap with Deadlands - a different game and setting
but still a lot of overlap.

King Phillip's War is one I know virtually nothing
about but should be good and I know the very man who
would be able to run it beautifully.

The Irish wars up to Cromwell's 'pacification' should
be very interesting - the real war had cannibalism so
just imagine what would appear in the weird one. It
should appeal to the big Irish American crowd as well.

If you are interested in this I know an expert - he
did his dissertation on the period and is planning a
CoC game set there so he has the research done.
You can contact him as darren.g@virgin.net


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