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Re: [WW] To Weird or not to weird

>From: "mad hatter" <darklament@hotmail.com>
>Hey all, I have a question about setting use. What are all you using for
>your setting - straightup non-weird WWII roleplaying or Weird War II
>roleplaying with all the creepy stuff? The reason I ask is because I 
>a group with no supernatural things & it didn't last. I even had two 
>players who decided they didn't want to play because it was "too realistic"
>for them. Does the supernatural edge help take away from the real horror
>that was WWII & make it easier to play the game?
>On the other hand, two of my players didn't want to have any weirdness
>because they thought it was an "insult" to the memory of the real soliders.
>IMHO I think there is room for both, but I gotta tell you - escapism can be
>a lot more fun than pure realism.
for my group, it really does not seem to matter. several of my players are 
ex-military (self included) and 3 are WWII/Civil reenactors (terry says it's 
more fun then op's when he was stationed in germany). my game holds a 
90%/10% approach to the real/supernatural situation, though i have added 
quite a bit of "super-science" to the nazi war machine and a reoccuring 
villian (col. von eible) who heads hitler's "toy factory". add a little 
globe trotting for climate effect and try and leave 'em with a mystery every 
couple of operations and the tease seems to work well (should have seen 'em 
trying to figure out how to take out an apparent WWI era tank with armor 
that was stopping cold their anti-tank specialist! priceless). then throw in 
a forgotten olmec god in a S.American nazi mountain lab now and again for 
effect and <WHAM> my players keep comming back for some reason.

as for the issue of the "insult" to the memory of those who have served, i 
can truly respect that. as a former member of the U.S. armed forces i 
respect all who have, are and will serve this nation. vets of this game's 
era are finally getting some of the recognition they diserve 
(http://www.wwiimemorial.com/) and that is fantastic. i say "honor their 
lives, but live your own"

however, as a long standing RPG GM (of too many systems to count over way 
too many years - my library looks like a "who's who" of the RPG industry) i 
must say that i have NEVER permitted my players to set policy in any my 
games. if they did it would not be my game. i work with them,  every few 
months give questionairs asking for opinions on things t hey would like to 
see or things they would like to see different. i consider all to help keep 
game balance and fun, but in the end, i set the theme and setting. period.

<ramble mode off>

...the rich
"Evil does not wear a BONNET!"
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