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[WW] Weird Colonial Wars

This actually sounds like quite a good idea. Again I
am seeing it from a British perspective though we were
not alone in playing the game, just better at it

India is the classic setting - Thuggee and god alone
knows what else but Redcoats ended up everywhere - The
Arctic (Franklin Expedition), Canada (Wendigo), South
America, The Carribean, Australia, Burma, China,
Abyssinia, Africa (Watu Simba), the Soudan,

The best outline might be either geographical or
chronological. The same names keep cropping up again
and again eg. Ladysmith is named for the wife of Sir
Harry Smith who rescued her during the Peninsular War
in Spain. He also fought in India.

There is fun to be had at home as well. The Irish
famine, Jack the Ripper, The torso murders,
Springheeled Jack, The devils footprints, the Irish
'vampire wolf'...

The Flashman books are great fun and surprisingly good


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