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RE: [WW] Officer's purpose

>From: "Harvester" <Harvester@btinternet.com>
>I agree Ray, was just trying to see if it was just him, thought it probably
>was. He tends to judge characters on how much stuff they have (like feats,
>and hit points) and how quickly they can kill stuff. I haven't shown him 
>damage lists, but I know I'm going to hear whinges about the weapons all
>being the same (I know they're only the same by category, and that's
>accurate, but means he doesn't have a huge gun to aim for). Plus the lack 
>a fully auto rule, I'd love to get rid of him, but he's one of the founders
>of the group and we'd struggle to have enough if he wasn't there.
>Ah well, once more unto the breach :)
sounds like a classic power gamer to me. perhaps he should switch to rifts 
or hackmaster (which, by the by, is an AWSOME system. good clean funny). i 
know someone who was a power gamer when we originally started and now (some 
20+ odd years later) he is still a power gamer. there is no cure for hte 
power gamer. period.

as for officers, as an ex-army player in a group with several ex-military 
players, let me say that officers are awsome! my party's officers (cpt and 
his butterbar XO) play it to the hilt. they have been able to use 'rank 
privilege' (read: intimidation of enlisted) to accomplish much. they are 
also able to ask for tactical advice from myself and terry when deciding how 
to handle a situation, indicating that their characters would hvae had 
proper tactical training/military stragity in OCS. and then the RP'ing 
elements. lots of fun in my group.

BTW~as for your friends auto-fire problem, tell him to grab a BAR, weapon 
focus (BAR), Automatic Weapon, Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot. my parties 
BAR gunner seems to enjoy that combination and he does a great job of 
keeping people's heads down (or off as the case may be).

...the rich
"santa is there a back way out of here?"
"of course there is Lee, but this is one Santa that going out the front 
-------------------> can you name this movie?

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