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Re: [WW] Lanugage question

Hi Jay!

> One of the guys in my gaming circle posed this question to me last
> night:  "How is talking like a native handled?"  He wants to be able to 
> speak several languages without an accent.  Not being 100% sure and away 
> from my books at the moment I would like to know if any of ya could give 
> me a hand with that one.

Personally I tend to this via roleplaying rather than rules. Consider

While today (partly due to world encompassing media) dialects are
quite easily identified. That was not the case in the 1940s. In almost
every country you would have some severe dialects, so that someone
speaking the language "weirdly" would not stand out as much in a time,
where people from all walks of life were thrown together.

So rather than say, he has German +8 you would have to differ this by
"does he talk a special regional dialect" and "where did the PC learn
this" or possibly what "social stratus language is he able to converse
in". The last is important, if special vocabulary is need, e.g. if
trying to dupe a German Engineer who surprised him while trying to
steal secrets on the V1 in Peenemuende.

To make a long rant short: the context is important.

> If there is no way of doing this currently I would like to suggest a
> feat maybe:

> Speak Like a Native

> Prerequisite:  You must have multiple languages.
> Benefit:  For each language/dilect you take this feat for you gain +4 to 
> bluff checks went trying to speak like one of the natives of the 
> country.   This feat can be taken multiple times, each time it is taken 
> it must be for a different dialect.

IMHO Feats are to valuable/slots are to rare to do this.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Arne Reuter

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