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Re: [WW] Double-Tap

after thinking long and hard about this subject I decided I would at my$.02

I have repeated qualified as an expert pistol marksman with both the US
Marine Corps and the Louisiana Police.  From experience and watching the
various people that qualified at least as marksmen, I would not make double
tapping a feat.  In my games (Wierdwars, Spycraft) double tapping can be
done by anyone using a double action pistol.  BUT, you suffer the burst fire
penalties to shoot and both bullets affect the same target.  Both of the
careers where I have qualified only emphasized double tapping at ranges of 7
feet and closer.  Over that range we were taught to aim and single fire.
The penalties in the game mechanics (with the pistol's short range
increment) shows why this is smart.  How ever at close ranges where double
tapping is emphasized even some one with an average dex of 10 would be able
to hit most of the time.

Kust my $.02 for what it is worth.