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[WW] Hell In The Hedgerows Qs - Possible Spoiler

Heya, I just have a question about HITH.

I have to run a WW game tomorrow (last minute notice) and I was reading
HITH (the adventure itself - 1st one in book) and was a little confused
about something.

When the PCs arrive they hoof it until in sight of the rear gate of the
hotel.  Where is this rear gate?  Where are the sandbags set up?  It
says the Northern gate is the back entrance.  

Looking at the map of the town on page 13, is South - up?

Where's the auto garage?

Do the PCs have to pass through the town to get to the hotel?  If they
follow the road at all, it looks like they'd have to.

I'm sure to some of you these are stupid questions, and maybe I'm just
too tired to figure it out, but any help is appreciated.  As well as any
advice in running it, or any problem spots.

