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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - D20 Modern

At 02:57 PM 10/8/02 -0400, Cpt. Canuck you wrote:
>I'd also like to point out that I was simply saying what IMO, I would
>have liked to have seen; in response to comments on the problems with
>the books.

And myself and several others were stating, in our opinions, that such a 
thing would be an unneccessary waste of space. If you want info on  WWII 
weapons and equipment, pick up something like the Time Life series (you're 
sure to find it in a library), or visit the Military Book Club's web site 
and then see if your local bookstore can find the books for you seeing as 
how you most likely don't have a club membership.

Steven "Conan" Trustrum
   Email: steven@trustrum.com
   Homepage: http://www.trustrum.com
"The only real people are the people that never existed"     -- Oscar Wilde