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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

At 01:11 AM 10/9/02 -0400, deaconblue3@juno.com you wrote:
>-->true, but as a general reference for modern weapons, already in game
>terms, it's fairly "comprehensive."  As with any game system, the actual
>damage capabilities of the various rounds (which usually don't account
>for various loads, bullet weight, type, etc) are often "skewed" towards
>whatever the system is.  A week or so ago I and a friend (who's a
>gunsmith), went through the WW small arms, and tweaked a few values.  We
>used the 9mm as the base from which to determine the rest.  We only
>changed 1 damage value, but altered some of the range increments and 1
>penetration value.  Most of those changes were based on our personal

Their ranges also tend to be fairly off-base. For instance, in one book of 
theirs they had the Light Fifty listed with an incredibly small range, like 
850 feet.

Steven "Conan" Trustrum
   Email: steven@trustrum.com
   Homepage: http://www.trustrum.com
"The only real people are the people that never existed"     -- Oscar Wilde