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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

At 12:55 PM 10/10/02 -0400, deaconblue3@juno.com you wrote:
>-->Very true of Palladium's compendium.  Kevin Siembieda can at times be
>"lazy" in his research, and has his pet sources which he tends to use
>almost exclusively.  Compare anything Kevin wrote for Palladium (almost
>all of it), to stuff done by Eric Wujick, and you will notice some
>differences, though Eric's stuff gets skewed to fit with Kevin's stuff.
>That said, I generally only use the Compenium for reference of weapons
>available, and decriptions, and use whatever system I'm using for damage
>values.  A bit extra work, but it helps to keep things in line with the

You're preaching to the choir, my friend. One of the reasons why it was a 
joy to work with him and why he has a hard time keeping writers.

Steven "Conan" Trustrum
   Email: steven@trustrum.com
   Homepage: http://www.trustrum.com
"The only real people are the people that never existed"     -- Oscar Wilde