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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

It seems that they mainly looked at one source and said "hmm, that range
listed so it must be right" instead of checking multiple sources and
what jived the most. I mean, it's got cool pics and all, but it isn't of 
much use (need I even mention that the damage amounts don't match up with

the damage amounts for the same weapons as given in their other books?).
the other hand, just about all the weapons are illustrated so, after you 
fix the stats, you've got a clear drawing of what it looks like to use.

-->Very true of Palladium's compendium.  Kevin Siembieda can at times be
"lazy" in his research, and has his pet sources which he tends to use
almost exclusively.  Compare anything Kevin wrote for Palladium (almost
all of it), to stuff done by Eric Wujick, and you will notice some
differences, though Eric's stuff gets skewed to fit with Kevin's stuff. 
That said, I generally only use the Compenium for reference of weapons
available, and decriptions, and use whatever system I'm using for damage
values.  A bit extra work, but it helps to keep things in line with the

Josh R

"No matter where you go, there you are."  B.Bonzai