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[WW] Re: Knossos & HPL

> Hmm, I think this might be based on a HP Lovecraft
> story.  I'll try and track it down.

I thought this was origional (well pick and mix). Mind
you I have had this experience before with HPL, there
were a couple of short stories I read as a child and
then when my brother (a big HPL and CoC fan) bought a
collection of the stories (this was back in the '80s
when HPL was hard to find here in the UK) and I found
both stories were by HPL (now if I can just track down
a couple more I will be happy, if you are a well read
horror fan let me know, want to pick your brains,
which leads well into the next paragraph).

I hear that their might/will be a Reanimator III film.
I am sure something could be done with this. I played
with the idea of a crazy army surgeon in Deadlands but
it might fit beter into weirdwars - a PC is injured
and sent to a hospital to recouperate. Depending on
what stage of the war this is and what theatre it
could be a remote lodge in Scotland, a chateau in
Belgium or France, a castle in Sicily or an old FFL
fort in North Arfica. In fact most of these are
interesting settings in their own right, all you need
is a map and a scenario idea and off you go.


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