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Re: [werewolf] Re: For the Adventurous...

and sorry, I failed to answer two questions...

On Sat, Sep 24, 2005 at 11:24:56AM -0400, Mark Hartwell wrote:
> flig@aol.com wrote:
> >What is this Jailer game of which you speak?
> >
> >Fb
> >
> sounds a bit like werewolf meets ToW


> the jailer is just a 'bot, right? 

Yes.   ALL players are inmates

> how do turns end?

When the last player has voted, the bids are tallied up.
If one player "wins", that player is selected by the jailer for elimination

If there is a tie, the day will not end until someone changes their 
bid in a way that breaks the tie.  (Yes, significant race condition here)

> can bids (er ... bribes) be added to / changed durring the turn?

Bids can be changed at any time during the day.  Up/down/switched to
a different target... whatever.

> are the bids open or blind?

For now, the target is disclosed.   the bid is blind.  I expect this to
be an option in the future.

> what happens to the rest of the cash of each turn's vitim?

Again... another option.   for this test game, the cash goes >poof!<

possible options include dividing the cash among all remaining players
or (the version I think I'll like best) dividing the cash among people 
who contributed to the victim's demise.  (perhaps proportional to the
amount of their bid) 

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