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Re: [DL] Marshal and Chips

>What do you do about someone who wants to go from
>D10's to D12's in a stat ?

House rule time.  I've found that the amount of bounty required to raise a
die type is HUGE compared to the other costs, so I've lowered it to 2X the
next level.  I also allow a character to take one skill to the next higher
die type once they've paid half of the cost.  
For example, to raise Deftness from d10 to d12 costs 24 bounty points.
Once 12 points have been paid, then the PC can use one skill (usually
shootin :-) at a d12 type.

But that's not what you asked.  :)

Jeff got it right.  You can trade your chips in for bounty points and the
chips go back into the pot.

Do to my players not liking the concept of spending their bounty points to
stay alive, (I seem to have this habit of targetting people with large fate
chip stacks.  They actually hide their stacks from my sight now.  Foolish
players.   :-)  another house rule I have is that I only hand out
experience at the end of an adventure and that is the only time you can
trade your chips in for BP.  I never hand out red fate chips for experience
because I always collect a chip when a player spends a red one.

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

If it did.  Which I doubt.  Not that it matters.