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Re: [DL] need some help with my minis

> That's the URL for the picture.  I notice a wrap above.  That may be what
> caused you to be unable to access it.

It was still wrapped, but I got it this time. As far as the fig goes, that's
pretty good. One of the toughest parts of painting is accurate flesh toning,
you should fell lucky you did that well. I've been painting for 5 years and
it still gives me grief.

> How would I trim through a strip THAT thick with an X-acto knife?
> I could probably just try to file through it- where could I pick up a
> file and how much do they generally cost?  Would a nail file work?  I've
> found that they do work for smoothing out the bottom of abase.

Fining through it would be like chewing your leg out of a bear trap. Too
slow and painful. Buy a cheapo X-acto with the retractabe blades that snap
off when the end gets dull. They're cheap, and they do the job well. Before
you trim the end, though, snip the bulk of the flash off with a needle nose
pliers or wire cutter, trimmer, whatever.

A decent hobby file set might cost you $10. Check with your best minis
carrying local shop. And for gods sake (everyone) ask your local shop
employees for advise when you need it. Even if they don't play the minis
games themselvs, they know what customers buy and know that customers talk.
They are a great source of advise in this area.

BTW, a nail file *is* an emery board. They work fine, provided you don't buy
too strong or weak of a grit. Too strong marrs the surface of a fig, too
weak takes forever to trim flash.

> > Chris Aniballi
> > How exactly do you mean "Mini boy?"
> I was simply trying to bait someone.  GOTCHA!!!!!

Chris Aniballi
Fell fer the oldest trick in the book, I did. Yoda I am
"The Grim Reaper's ridin' high tonight. Last call, everyone." -CL