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[DL] All New Respect for VotWW

Hey all,
I just thought I'd share something that kind of makes me laugh a bit. In my
Deadlands session last Thursday I had the pleasure of killing a character.

<<Mild spoliers for Mysterious Past and VotWW tables>>

Well, I would have if he weren't already dead. The player had a character
who ended up with Harrowed from his Mysterious Past pull. (as a side note, I
made him standard harrowed, did the nightmare and all that. Not the total
dominion that his red Joker on the pull indicated, that's just too easy). He
also ended up with a cursed relic from a second Joker during character
creation. I gave him the Jackalope Foot. Sure, the extra chip is nice,  but
I think the Bad Luck makes it a good cursed item, especially since the
character can call it his "lucky" rabbits foot.

The whole death should work out good with the group as none of the other
players knew he was harrowed, though they were starting to get suspicious,
seeing as how he spent the whole adventure that he died in under Manitou
control after going bust (with bad luck) on his dominion roll - oops, total
dominion for the Manitou! . They burried him, certain he was dead and all.
The player and I decided in secret that it would be fun if we made up a new
character and save the old PC for later, either back under his control if
they accept his death and subsequent rise (one of the players has a
compulsion to put the dead to rest, thanks to the Scart chart[heheh]).
Either that, or I could opt to make him a recurring villain, due to the
absolute total dominion that his manitou gained after that bust on the
dominion roll. In either case, I'm sure to have fun.

But, since this is a post on my respect for VotWW, and you've sat through my
little story here, maybe I'll get to the point. His new character, a Martial
Artist (who didn't have the benifit of getting any Mysterious Pasts) took
Veteran so that he wouldn't be so far behind knowlege and experience wise as
the rest of his posse. I asked him to pull for the Vet table. He got a
Duece. For thoes of you who don't have a book handy, a deuce is Jinxed,
giving everyone in the posse *except* him  Bad Luck.

And so I quietly chuckled to myself, blissfully thinking about how many
times all the other players had a few laughs at the players expense all
thoes times he kept going bust with his own Bad Luck; loosing his weapon,
almost drowning, almost falling to his death, knocking himself unconsious,
etc. And now, after all that, he gets to visit it all back on each and every
one of them.

Man, I *love* this game.

Chris Aniballi
Grining all the way to their graves
"You know, there are some hallways we just don't go down; we've found it's
healthier that way" -Erik Zarkov