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Re: [DL] persuading against the odds

"B.D. Flory" wrote:
> | Again though, what about players that are simply not as articulate?
> | They get SCREWED!
> By not getting fate chips you mean?  Remember, there are myriad ways to
> gain fate chips, both within the game mechanics and without.  Maybe the
> inarticulate player loses out on gaining chips for role-playing persuasion;
> he could just as easily make up for this by coming up with clever ideas,
> breaking people in Overawe tests, etc.
> The fate chips are simply a motivating factor for people to role-play the
> persuasion.  If they get a chip or not, they still need to make the skill
> test, with no bonuses or penalties based on RP.
> Soon, we shall see how my method works.  I'm about to start a new HoE game
> for a group I've never run DL for.  I've been running BNW, so I have a
> pretty good idea of the group dynamic, however.
> In said group, we have a couple of gaming vets.  They both seem to enjoy in
> character RP, and they both seem to do pretty decently at it.  Next, we
> have a woman fairly new to role-playing (table top, at any rate).  She's
> pretty quiet in character, but OoC, she gets in some zingers now and then.
> We're trying to get her more involved in IC stuff.  She'll do alright, I
> suspect.  Fourth, we have a veteran roll-player.  That was not a typo.
> I've gamed with this guy for years, unfortunately, and I've pretty much
> given up on bringing him around.  Finally, we have "new guy".  Yes, that's
> right, the menace of "new guy" has reared its ugly head in my group.
> Seriously, he seems ok.  I can't judge his play style yet, as I've only
> gamed with him for one session of L5R, and he spent most of that asleep
> under a wagon (thanks to a bit of magic).
> I figure if it works for this group, a group that runs the gamut in RP
> skill and participation, it'll work for almost anybody.
> B. D. Flory
> ICQ# 53912341

Partially it's about the Fate Chips, but mostly mousy players are screwed because, as someone said, the
player is allowed to use dice rolls to determine success or failure in almost all cases except social
I myself have been screwed when I say my character will attempt a social interaction and the GM replies "OK,
what does your character say?".  My usual response is "Something appropriate?..." which usually gives me a
penalty on said social roll.  Now on the occasions I can actually think of something really niffty to say, I
won't get a bonus or any sort of reward at all (no matter the game system).

"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves
  on a rainy Sunday afternoon"
   -Susan Ertz

Lord Jobe, God of Psiberspace (The Landscape of My Mind)
"Universes Exist in My Mind."
ICQ# 17774785