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Re: [DL] New Hex Rules Q

Bear in mind, this is all to the best of my knowledge, but:

> where they decided to come for this one. Now, as I understand it, the cost
> for any new hex is 5 bounty points? Even if a hexslingin' skill is say 3?

Yes, the Bounty cost is the same regardless of Hexslingin' level.

> we still use the same spell creation rules in H&H? I have a huckster with
> arcane prodigy and hope it didn't get ruled out.

I'd say the new hex creation rules would still be in place, but offthe top
of my head I can't remember what they are.

> Also, we still keep certain skills that we need to throw the hex, like
> Throwin' Black Lightning?

Yes.  Even though Throwin' is now divided into simply Balanced and
Unbalanced, I think that if it's special enough it should warrant its own
Throwin' concentration.

Nick "throwin' suckas" Zachariasen

Chinese proverb:
"Too many captains will steer the ship up a mountain."