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Re: [DL] Cardstock Cowboys

> My only question is: How/where are you storing them in the meantime? I mean,
> I want to put mine together and use my old GRW rules to run a battle, but
> once they're together, I don't think they'll fit in my miniature case.. has
> anyone come up with a good solution to this? Aside from putting them in a
> shoebox or some other disorganized fashion?

The best thing to store them in, which I bought yesterday, is a plastic storage box that is made up of a number of different sized drawers.  These can be found in hardware stores, which is where I bought mine for just under $20.00.  Mine has three large drawers, four medium drawers and sixteen small drawers.  There are plastic dividers that come with it to further seperate the drawers into sections, if one desires.  I have begun putting mine together and storing them in the drawers and I believe that the two sets so far produced will fit in the one storage box.  May need another one for future sets however.  And you can label the drawers with the general contents so that they can stay somewhat organized.
